Restoring Voter Confidence in Washington State’s Elections Systems
Whereas, Washington State ‘citizens’ have the total right to control and operate the election of people per Article 1 SEC. 19 not the state; and
Whereas, the citizens have the duty to provide an election (Article 1, SEC 19) that provides 100% chain-of-custody of each ballot and 100% audit control, including clean updated voter registration database, registrations of proven citizens only 30-days prior to any election, on-premise polling places with thumbprint or similar bio-metric check-in including signature and picture ID; that the state election officials can observe and report any non-compliance issues during the execution of the election, of which the election officials and state civil servants cannot at anytime touch a ballot (multi-partisan citizen control only); and
Whereas, the use of mail-in ballots, scanning devices, and electronic tally machines are by logic, hidden and secret machines, and statistical sampling does not verify nor maintain 100% chain of custody, are logically eliminated as satisfying the confidence needed by the ‘citizens’ to maintain the integrity of the ancient right from God of ‘one-man-one-vote’ to produce domestic tranquility; the highest duty of civil discourse.
Whereas, voting machines are ground-ruled out for use as it is self-evident that machines are hidden and secret. Can a person see the atoms and electrical impulses that occur to produce the digits used to calculate from the ‘software instructions’, which are themselves ‘compiled’ into ones and zeros….becoming by logic ‘hidden and secret’. Can the voting public by observation see and touch and count the electrical impulses...and;
Whereas, the ancient rights of man that come from God, not government, as expressed singularly as ‘one-man-one-vote’ cannot be held by comparison to any other association other than the original doctrine...rights come form God, are inseparable from ‘man’; and
Whereas, WA state ‘citizens’ cannot be exposed to mere mathematical probabilities emanating from ‘hidden and secret machines, to protect their ancient rights from God, one-man-one-vote, only human counting and handling of simple ballots in plain sight under multi-partisan control can protect the right from, and;
Whereas, the republic has become imbalanced by improper election processes, having increased the illegitimate authority to representatives of the citizens in disrespect of the powers from God given to the citizens as inseparable rights, oppresses the citizens in their homes, workplaces, places of worship, and during any pursuit of happiness, have grown to intolerable levels, where domestic tranquility is usurped by a machine driven hidden and secret election process controlled solely by the state who has usurped its constitutional mandate to maintain the republic;and
Whereas, these circumstances have significantly impacted voter confidence in the integrity of Washington State’s elections;
Now therefore, be it resolved that the Washington State Republican Party (WSRP rejects the current election process entirely, that mail-in ballots, election scanners, and tally computers are untenable as instruments for the proper maintenance of the chain-of custody necessary for transparent elections for the representation of the citizens ancient and sacred rights, from God, not from government, regarding the process of one-man-one vote to further, multiply, and maintain economic stability and domestic tranquility within the constitutional republic; and
Be it further resolved, that WSRP will strongly support the use of regular, independent audits of any election that includes the following:
no mail-in ballots accept for those with validated medical issues, polling places, in person with proper identifications, properly validated registration system with voter identification, updated and clean registered voter database, proof that the ‘person’ is a ‘citizen’ of the United States of America, has proper authenticated residence within the State of Washington for a minimum of 30-days, that the aforementioned details define election integrity, in part, when the ‘state’ no longer controls the election process, the use of computers accept to observe control and flow of the ballots, white board tally boards, IP camera video streaming to public websites, and full ballot auditing ability by process to reconstitute the entire election by paper ballots if needed to prove transparency; thus protecting the ancient and sacred right to suffrage given by God to man, not government.
Be it finally resolved, that WSRP will strongly oppose any policies and legislation that seek to prevent the abandonment of an election process that does not meet the criteria of Article 1, SEC 19 of the WA state constitution.